Thursday, January 9, 2020

Can Documentary Films Really Create Change

After seeing a gripping documentary film, it’s not uncommon to feel motivated to take action. But does social change actually occur as a result of a documentary? According to sociologists, documentary films may indeed play a key role in raising awareness of social issues and increasing political mobilization. Key Takeaways: Documentaries and Social Change A team of sociologists sought to investigate whether documentary films can be linked to political and social change.Researchers found that Gasland, and anti-fracking documentary, was linked to increases in discussion about fracking.Gasland was also linked to anti-fracking political mobilizations. Gasland and the Anti-Fracking Movement For a long time, many have assumed that documentary films about issues that affect society are able to motivate people to create change, but this was just an assumption, as there was no hard evidence to show such a connection. However, a 2015 sociology paper tested this theory with empirical research and found that documentary films can in fact motivate conversation around issues, promote political action, and spark social change. A team of researchers, led by Dr. Ion Bogdan Vasi of the University of Iowa, focused on the case of the 2010 film  Gasland—about the negative impacts of drilling for natural gas, or fracking—and its potential connection to the anti-fracking movement in the U.S. For their study published in American Sociological Review, the researchers looked for behaviors consistent with an anti-fracking mindset  around the time period when the film was first released (June 2010), and when it was nominated for an Academy Award (February 2011). They found that web searches for Gasland and social media chatter related to both fracking and the film spiked around those times. Speaking about the study results, Vasi said, In June 2010, the number of searches for Gasland was four times higher than the number of searches for fracking, indicating that the documentary created significant interest in the topic among the general public. Can Documentaries Help Shape the Conversation? The researchers found that attention to fracking on Twitter increased over time and received large bumps (6 and 9 percent respectively) with the films release and its award nomination. They also saw a similar increase in mass media attention to the issue, and by studying newspaper articles, found that the majority of news coverage of fracking also mentioned the film in June 2010 and January 2011. Documentaries and Political Action The researchers found a clear connection between screenings of  Gasland  and anti-fracking actions like protests, demonstrations, and civil disobedience in communities where screenings took place. These anti-fracking actions—what sociologists call mobilizations—helped fuel policy changes related to fracking the Marcellus Shale (a region that spans Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and West Virginia). Implications for Social Movements Ultimately, the study shows that a documentary film associated with a social movement—or perhaps another kind of cultural product like art or music—can have real effects at both national and local levels. In this particular case, the researchers found that the film  Gasland  had the effect of changing how the conversation around fracking was framed, from one that suggested that the practice is safe, to one that focused on the risks associated with it. This is an important finding because it suggests that documentary films (and maybe cultural products generally) can serve as important tools for social and political change. This fact could have a real impact on willingness of investors and foundations that award grants to support documentary filmmakers. This knowledge about documentary films, and the possibility of increased support for them, could lead to a rise in the production, prominence, and circulation of them. Its possible that this could also have an impact on funding for investigative journalism—a practice that has mostly fallen away as re-reporting and entertainment-focused news has skyrocketed over the last couple of decades. In the written report about the study, the researchers concluded by encouraging others to study the connections between documentary films and social movements. They suggest that there may be important lessons learned for filmmakers and activists alike by understanding why some films fail to catalyze social action while others succeed. References Diedrich, Sara. â€Å"The Power of Film.† University of Iowa: Department of Sociology and Criminology, 2 Sep. 2015., Ion Bogdan, et al. ‘No Fracking Way!’ Documentary Film, Discursive Opportunity, and Local Opposition Against Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States, 2010 to 2013.  American Sociological Review, vol.  80, no. 5, 2015, pp. 934-959.

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